We at Which2buy.co.uk are a young and innovative company in the heart of Berlin. Our goal is to objectively and independently simplify the purchasing decisions of many consumers. To achieve this, we have been trying since 2013 to select the best products from the sheer endless number and present them in an appealing form.
We are constantly working to improve our platform and constantly revise the criteria of our product recommendations. If you have questions or problems with our website, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Affiliate Notice: We do not use any type of display advertising or paid partnerships. Nevertheless, we incur costs for the creation and maintenance of the various buying guides. We finance these through so-called affiliate links to providers such as Amazon, Argos or eBay. When purchasing a product via our links, we may receive a small commission. This ensures that we can remain objective and independent in the future. The product itself does not become more expensive for the consumer in this process.
Our Team

Manuel Rowinski
Manuel is one of the founders of this project and primarily interested in technology topics. Thanks to his numerous visits to trade shows, he knows all about the latest gadgets. He is our expert for the categories electronics, household and leisure.

Maik Rowinski
Maik is also one of the founders of this project and as editor-in-chief he is a part of this team. As a trained plant mechanic, tech geek and passionate handyman, Maik is our expert for the categories electronics, home improvement and leisure.

Lena Bergmann
Lena is a freelance editor and part of our team. She is interested in the latest beauty and fashion trends and thanks to her small family with her dog “Eddy” she is our expert in the categories household, leisure and drugstore.